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Published On
Mon June 10 2024
Reading Time
3 Min
Written By
Tom Galland

Short Answer: No.

Long Answer: As someone in the SEO industry for over a decade, I've witnessed many changes. I also have colleagues who have been in SEO since the 90s and have seen even more. Change is inevitable in every industry, and those who adapt quickly come out on top. This resilience and adaptability are what make SEO professionals like us so capable in the face of these changes.

On Page SEO and other SEO practices have evolved significantly over the years. To understand how, let’s take a brief look at the history of SEO changes.

A Brief History of SEO Changes

1998: Google launches, bringing new importance to search algorithms and link building.

2003: The Florida update penalises keyword stuffing, making content quality more critical.

2005: The introduction of the nofollow attribute changes how link equity is passed.

2009: Google introduces real-time search, highlighting the importance of fresh content.

2011: The Panda update penalises thin content and content farms, emphasising high-quality content.

2012: The Penguin update targets link schemes and manipulative link practices.

2013: The Hummingbird update enhances understanding of search queries, emphasising natural language processing.

2015: Mobilegeddon prioritises mobile-friendly websites in search rankings.

2016: The introduction of RankBrain, Google's AI algorithm, helps process search queries more effectively.

2018: The Medic update focuses on YMYL (Your Money, Your Life) sites, enhancing the need for authoritative and trustworthy content.

2020: The BERT update improves the understanding of search intent and the context of words in search queries.

2021: The Core Web Vitals update significantly emphasises user experience metrics like loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.

Adapting to AI in SEO

AI, like Google's RankBrain and BERT, is not killing SEO but instead transforming it. These AI algorithms are designed to understand search queries better and provide more accurate and relevant results. For instance, RankBrain has significantly improved the understanding of ambiguous queries, while BERT has enhanced the context understanding of prepositions in search queries.

SEO professionals must focus on creating high-quality, user-centric content and improving website performance to align with these changes. This transformation demands a solid Link Building Strategy to support high-quality content.

Embracing Change

Change is constant, and in the SEO industry, it happens rapidly. The key to success is adaptability. Here are some ways to stay ahead:

Continuous Learning

The SEO landscape is ever-evolving, with frequent updates from search engines and new techniques emerging regularly. To stay competitive, it's crucial to maintain a hunger for knowledge and a commitment to continuous learning. This will keep you motivated and eager to stay updated in this dynamic field.

  • Stay Informed: Read industry blogs regularly, attend webinars, and participate in SEO forums. Websites like Moz, Search Engine Journal, and Search Engine Land are great resources.
  • Take Courses: Deepen your knowledge by enrolling in online courses and certifications. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Google's courses offer valuable learning opportunities.
  • Networking: Join SEO communities and attend industry conferences to learn from peers and experts. Networking can provide insights into the latest trends and practical applications.

Focus on Quality

High-quality content is the cornerstone of effective SEO. As search engines become more sophisticated, they prioritise content that provides real value to users. To ensure your content meets these standards:

  • Content Depth: Create comprehensive content that thoroughly covers topics and answers users' questions.
  • Originality: Avoid duplicate content and strive to provide unique perspectives or information that stands out from competitors.
  • Engagement: Use multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics to make your content more engaging and shareable.

Technical SEO

A technically sound website is crucial for SEO success. Technical SEO ensures that search engines can crawl and index your site efficiently, leading to better rankings. Key aspects include:

  • Site Speed: Optimise your website's loading times. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help identify areas for improvement.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: With most searches now happening on mobile devices, having a responsive design is essential. Use Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to check your site's performance.
  • Secure Connection: Implement HTTPS to ensure your site is safe, a ranking factor for Google.
  • Structured Data: Use schema markup to help search engines understand your content better and enhance your search visibility with rich snippets.

User Experience (UX)

A positive user experience keeps visitors on your site longer and encourages them to engage with your content. This can lead to lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates. To improve UX:

  • Navigation: Ensure your website has a clear, intuitive navigation structure. Users should be able to find what they're looking for easily.
  • Design: Invest in a clean, professional design that reflects your brand and appeals to your target audience. Avoid clutter and ensure consistency across all pages.
  • Accessibility: Make your site accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Use alt text for images, ensure text is readable, and provide keyboard navigation options.
  • Interactivity: Incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, surveys, and comment sections to encourage user interaction and feedback.

Case Study: The Church Co

A great example of how these principles can be applied is demonstrated in the success story of The Church Co. By implementing a comprehensive On Page SEO strategy and focusing on quality content, The Church Co saw a significant increase in their online visibility.

  • Challenge: The Church Co needed to improve their website's search rankings and user engagement.
  • Solution: By optimising their website's technical aspects, enhancing content quality, and executing a robust Link Building Strategy, they achieved remarkable results.
  • Results: They experienced improved search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and higher user engagement, proving the effectiveness of a well-rounded SEO strategy.

Read the full case study here to see how these strategies were implemented successfully.


The goal of SEO is not just to rank higher in search results but to provide valuable, relevant experiences for your audience. Your work as an SEO professional is integral to this process, and it's important to remember the value you bring in delivering these experiences. AI is not killing SEO; it is reshaping it. SEO professionals can thrive in this evolving landscape by adapting to these changes and focusing on delivering value to users.

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